

My Account Information

Address Details
IMPORTANT: The Address Information provided below should be that of the person placing or paying for the order.

You will be allowed to provide a completely new address for delivery when completing an order.
Full Name e.g. Sam Fisher
Phone Number/s e.g. 0741408378,0741408686
Street Address e.g. 123 Foxhound Street, Omega Strain Flats
More Address Info e.g. ABC Traders, CS Office Building, 2nd Floor, Room 1408
Clear Area
e.g. Illovo, Sandton
City e.g. Johannesburg
e.g. Gauteng
Area Code e.g. 2196
Please Note Deliveries can only made to these countries:
Country List

International Customers

If you are in a country that is not within the Country List, and you are purchasing for someone else that is located within the Country List, select "Global" as your country. You will then be allowed to specify a different address (located within the Country List) for delivery when completing an order.

If you are in a country that is not within the Country List, and you are purchasing for yourself, select "Global" as your country. You will however have to arrange to collect your order using your own international courier/shipping service. The collection address will be emailed to you once payment has cleared for your order.

For Companies / VAT
IMPORTANT: The Company / VAT Information provided below will be printed on the invoices generated for your orders.

If you are buying as an individual, you can leave these fields empty.
Company Name e.g. ABC Traders (Pty) Ltd
VAT Number e.g. 4500264504
Login Details
Email Address e.g. [email protected]
Confirm Email Address e.g. Re-type your email
Password Create a password
Confirm Password Re-type the password

Newsletter and Email Details

Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions
Our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions can be read by

[This will open in a New Tab Page or Popup Overlay so the information you've already entered in the Sign-Up form above is not lost]

© 2025 Ex-Group Online Stores //
NOTICE: We are currently migrating, and our contact number will NOT BE operational during this period. Kindly note that orders MAY STILL BE placed and email inquiries WILL STILL BE responded to, but any orders placed will only be dispatched after our migration period, which will be 19 June 2018. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.